If you are someone or know someone who struggles with depression you are aware of the darkness it can bring, the persistent feelings of sadness, hopelessness, and worthlessness that can weigh them down. They may have tried counselling or medication but the symptoms linger and the medication path can bring about other problems. Unfortunately for the general public, there is very little awareness regarding how effective hypnotherapy can be for depressive states and how the research backs this up. In this blog, I will explain how hypnotherapy is used to retrain negative thinking patterns, reduce anxiety and empower people to take charge of their mental health, firstly, providing a lifeline, followed by choosing a superior positively driven life path on which one can overcome depression's grasp.
What is Hypnotherapy?
Hypnotherapy is a therapeutic technique that utilizes hypnosis in a clinical setting to help facilitate positive changes in thoughts, feelings and behaviours. During hypnosis, one enters a natural state of increased focus and attention and can comfortably explore thoughts and emotions, gain insights into the root causes of any issues and become open to a positive and beneficial life path.
How Hypnosis Works
Hypnosis is entering a trance-like state of deep relaxation and focused attention. It's a perfectly natural state that you will have experienced many times in your daily life. It's that zoning-out, daydreamy feeling. In this state, your subconscious becomes more accessible and open to positive ideas. You are guided into a hypnotic trance using visualization methods, relaxation and focus. Once there, you have the potential to let go of any negative ideas or beliefs that may be hurtful or negatively impact your well-being on a mental, emotional, and therefore, physical level. Then with expert suggestion and strategies you're encouraged to develop what you want in your life, what you want to be, a whole new path of positive thinking and living.
"Research shows Hypnotherapy can be an effective treatment for depression"
Benefits of Hypnotherapy for Depression
Helping to identify negative thought patterns and core beliefs that contribute to depression then reframing them into a more positive, self-developing and realistic way of thinking.
Improving self-esteem and confidence. Hypnotherapy is used to instil positive messages of self-worth and to empower you to overcome the negative self-imagery that often accompanies depression.
Relaxing the mind and body. Hypnosis induces a state of deep relaxation instantly lowering stress and anxiety levels.
Changing unhealthy habits and behaviours. Overcoming unhealthy coping strategies such as food issues, alcohol, drugs, isolation etc., all of which worsen the symptoms of depression. Then by replacing them with healthier, more pleasant, more life empowering habits.
Cathartically releasing any repressed emotions which may be exacerbating the depression.
"Developing these positive thoughts will become an automatic and natural part of everyday life"
Changing Negative Thought Patterns
Hypnotherapy helps identify and modify the unhealthy thought patterns that contribute to depression. This is done by releasing and replacing negative thought patterns with more positive and realistic ideas, while one enjoys a deeply relaxed state. Developing these positive thoughts will become an automatic and natural part of everyday life... which is exactly how all the negative thinking became so prominent in the first place, it was developed, practised and repeated over and over.
Promoting Relaxation
Hypnotherapy is also about promoting a calm, relaxed state of mind and lowering stress and anxiety which is often accomplished by using beautiful peaceful visualization techniques. Taking you to your most relaxing places during the sessions and encouraging the use of similar relaxation techniques outside of sessions. Reducing stress and anxiety is an important part of overcoming depressive states.
Improving Self-Esteem
Hypnotherapy also involves the use of verbal suggestions to build self-confidence and self-esteem which is often low in those with depression. Positively changing a negative inner dialogue and reinforcing how, in fact, wonderful you are... how miraculous your existence... you, your consciousness, perfectly being here, on a large spinning rock, sitting within an infinite universe.
I encourage 'homework' as your session extends throughout the week, all the way to the next session. I encourage affirmations to support your session, helping to remind yourself of your strengths, accomplishments and all the positive qualities that help develop gratitude and a kinder, stronger more centred and grounded self-view. A more developed and improved self-esteem also helps motivate and encourage the pursuance of meaningful life goals, careers, jobs, social connections etc., all of which contribute to developing feelings of worthiness and contentedness.
Making Lifestyle Changes
Hypnotherapy helps motivate lifestyle changes that assist the process of overcoming depression. Changes such as exercising, eating healthier, limiting or stopping the use of alcohol, avoiding social isolation or whatever lifestyle change benefits you. It also helps develop the motivation and willpower to establish new routines and heightens one's ability to stick with them. Making healthy changes to one's daily lifestyle has been shown to significantly improve depressive states.
"It [Hypnotherapy] also helps develop the motivation and will-power to establish new routines and heightens one's ability to stick with them"
Techniques Used in Hypnotherapy
As every patient is different, in my practice, I use a variety of hypnotherapy methods and techniques to enact change, relieve symptoms and start a life of positive belief.
Metaphor and scenarios
Commonly I use metaphors and scenarios to more indirectly influence the mind, development and mood. Carefully and thoughtfully leading you through uplifting scenarios and empowering metaphors to encourage and develop you to take on a far more positive and loving view of yourself and walk upon a more inspirational future path. This approach, often called Ericksonian hypnotherapy, bypasses conscious resistance a little easier and smoothly connects to the subconscious mind.
Suggestion Therapy
Direct suggestions are quite simply that, direct suggestions, and I tend to use them in and amongst my scenarios to change negative thought patterns, adopt positive personal development and inspiration and move towards the love of one's existence.
Age Regression
Age regression can be a very useful and fulfilling technique for forgiveness, releasing the past or returning to times near to traumatic events, though not into a traumatic event itself, as this is not useful nor necessary. It's always interesting asking the client what their past self was wearing during the experience as they often describe the clothes and shoes in detail, now remembering them clearly though they may not have been able to remember them at all before the session. These acts of freeing past events, re-visiting people from the past or seeing and forgiving past sadness always brings a level of peaceful acceptance and resolution.
Parts Therapy
Parts therapy helps address inner conflict by having a dialogue between different aspects or 'parts' of the self. Talking from the perspective of a part of you that 'thinks' in a certain negative way to a part of you that thinks the opposite, for example, the part of you that wants to regularly eat cream cakes talking to the part of you that most definitely doesn't. Then for those parts to come to an agreement, stop 'fighting' each other and change for the positive to benefit of the whole 'you'. Sounds more complicated than it is, a wonderful method for some.
"These acts of freeing past events, re-visiting people from the past or seeing and forgiving past sadness always brings a level of peaceful acceptance and resolution".
What to Expect During Hypnotherapy Sessions
Hypnotherapy sessions are focused, calming experiences aimed at completely changing the depressive pattern. During the first session, I will conduct an initial consultation to gain an understanding of your condition and history. I'll explain clearly how hypnotherapy works, develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs, explain everything I'm doing, and for your part, it's easy, you can't do anything wrong, it is pleasant, enjoyable and my clients regularly come out saying, "Why doesn't everyone do this? It's wonderful" to which I answer... "I know, they should!".
Other techniques I teach for 'homework'
I always encourage my patients to use at home the imaginary places we visit during a session, the peaceful calm places where one feels strong and resilient. Also as a health practitioner of over 23 years, I work with complex diseases and all states of unwellness holistically. I teach breathing exercises, dietary, lifestyle and supplement advice, as well as teaching the practice of mindfulness meditation.
What will I notice after a session?
After your session, you will notice subtle shifts in your thoughts, feelings and behaviours as the suggestions take hold. It may take several sessions before major changes are noticeable, depending on how involved and open you are. Some people are more cautious and like to ease in gently, whilst some just go for it and strike whilst the iron's hot. Either way, the results are the same, your life will improve, it's as simple as that, as hypnotherapy is the fastest, most powerful natural path out of darkness.
How many sessions?
The number of sessions needed varies from person to person based on the severity of depression. Typically, 6 to 12 weekly sessions are recommended for depression, though I always tell my clients that they will know. The sessions can be spread out from weekly, initially, to fortnightly and you'll know when you're ready to stop, or as often happens, to continue monthly or so maintenance sessions.
Hypnotherapy is an extremely safe natural treatment option for depression that addresses the underlying thoughts and behaviours that create the symptoms. Evidence shows hypnotherapy to be an effective treatment complementing traditional drug treatment, though I would argue far safer, and more effective as drugs don't heal as such but merely mask. While more research would solidify the science, this probably won't happen quickly as there are no billions of dollars to be made out of simple, inexpensive hypnotherapy.
With an open mind and a good healthcare hypnotherapist, I'm sure you'll find hypnotherapy perfect for your journey to a more contented, more positive, happier life.
Nick Malyon MSc. BHSc. Dip.(hypno).